About Me

My name is Chris Hume. I was born in eastern Pennsylvania in the late 1980's. I became a Christian (by God's grace) in 2007. I was married in 2009 and currently have four children. I hold the MA degree in Literature from Clarks Summit University. I am a current seminary student (Baptist Bible Seminary) and am seeking to plant or serve in a church committed to the Reformed faith, the victory of the Gospel, and the relevance of God's Law-Word for all of culture.
SrA Hume during his service in the U.S. Air Force (2011-2015)
My beliefs are historically Reformed and postmillennial. I consider it a great honor to build upon the foundation laid by many of the Puritans who have gone before us. One of the hallmarks of the Puritans was their passion for experiential preaching. Experiential preaching is preaching which seeks to apply the truth of the Bible to the hearts and minds of the listeners. Therefore, the preacher must not simply say what the text means, he must seek to apply it to every aspect of life. A lack of this practice in modern churches has led to great confusion on matters regarding education, politics, child-rearing, and much more. I am committed to experiential preaching which applies all of God's Word to all of life. To learn more about experiential preaching, read this short article by Joel Beeke.

I personally hold to the The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 with the following addendum:

1. Clarifications: In Chapter 10, paragraph 3, instead of “Infants dying in infancy,” I would read, “Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated....” In Chapter 19, paragraph 4, I understand the “judicial laws” of the Old Testament as being a subset of the “moral law,” and that the phrase “their general equity only being of modern use” indicates that the principles and standards of justice inherent in the judicial laws of Old Testament Israel are binding on nations in the New Testament age. In Chapter 24, paragraph 3, I understand “the wholesome laws of each kingdom and commonwealth” to refer to those laws that conform to the standards of God’s revealed law. In Chapter 26, paragraph 4, I believe it best to end our confession with the phrase “neither can the Pope of Rome in any sense be the head thereof.” In Chapter 29, paragraph 4, I would read “Immersion, or dipping of the person in water, is the best means for the due administration of this ordinance.”

2. Christ’s Mediatorial Kingdom. At His ascension Jesus Christ was exalted to the right of the Father and given authority over all things in heaven and earth. As a reward for His obedience unto death, He has been given the nations as His inheritance, and has been charged by the Father with the task of breaking the rebellion of the nations and putting all enemies to His reign under His feet. By His sovereign power Christ is going forth in the world to accomplish the subduing of His enemies, and will at last triumph over them and establish His kingdom to the four corners of earth so that the knowledge of the Lord will fill the earth as the waters cover the seas. Having fulfilled His commission as mediatorial king, Christ shall come again in glory, raise the dead, and deliver up the kingdom to the Father. (Psalm 2; 110; Isaiah 9:6-7; 11:9; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 13:31-33; 28:18-20; Acts 2:32-36; 1 Corinthians 15:23-28; Ephesians 1:10; Philippians 2:8-11; Revelation 2:26-27; 7:9-10; 19:11-16)

*Note: An excellent study guide on The Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 is available at no charge from Chapel Library. Click here to access it.

Some of my distinctives include that I:
  1. embrace the doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy
  2. maintain a literal twenty-four hour, six consecutive day creationist view of Genesis
  3. reject the modern day Erastian teaching of Church Incorporation
  4. encourage family-integrated church practices
  5. promote and support the training of our children in Christian educational institutions, especially in the home schooling method
  6. embrace the view that Jesus is victorious in history
  7. support the proper application of the Law of God to every area of life (individual government, family government, church government, and civil government)
  8. seek to apply biblical principles regarding the care of the poor and needy within church, rather than relying on the state
  9. support the biblical method of open-air preaching
  10. abhor the modern day evil of abortion and call upon civil leaders to repent of supporting this wickedness
You can contact me at hume227@gmail.com